

Our policy on drugs is based on three core messages:

• Prevention
• Drug dealers and abusers
• Welfare and treatment

Illusive Festival does not condone the dealing in or use of illegal drugs on site. The following message, to actively discourage dealers and abusers, will be published in the following ways:-

  • Attached to the instructions given to all security staff and Volunteer Marshals at the event
  • Signage posted at strategic locations throughout the site.
  • Signage at the entrances

“The dealing in or use of illegal drugs is not condoned by Illusive Festival. Drug enforcement laws are as applicable on site as anywhere else in the country. Police officers may be on site and will deal with drug offences in accordance with national guidelines. If you deal in drugs, it is likely that you will be arrested. Neither anti-social nor illegal behaviour will be tolerated and participants will leave themselves liable for eviction from the site without recompense. Experimenting with drugs can lead to adverse reactions. Drugs can kill. The crowds and the sheer size of the Festival can be very frightening and disorientating. If you do take drugs and you become ill, depressed or frightened please ask a steward to direct you to one of the many facilities on site which can help and support you. For free confidential drugs information and advice 24 hours a day talk to FRANK. If you have a hearing impairment you can Textphone FRANK on 0800 917 8765”


“You may be searched at the entrance. Any items which the organisers consider may be used in an illegal or offensive manner will be confiscated. Persons suspected of carrying out illegal and/or offensive activities onsite may be searched. For free confidential drugs information and advice 24 hours a day talk to FRANK. If you have a hearing impairment you can Text or phone FRANK on 0800 917 8765”

All those attending the site will be asked to submit to a search and if found in possession will be refused entry. An amnesty bin will be available at the entrance.
Those found in possession on site will have their drugs confiscated by Security and ejected from the site, if found to have large amounts they will be detained and reported to the Police. Experimenting with drugs can lead to adverse reactions. The crowds at a Festival can become very frightening and disorientating. If you do take drugs and you become ill, depressed or frightened please ask a steward to direct you to one First Aid post or a Security guard on site where you can receive help.


Illusive Festival and the appointed Security and stewarding staff will take an active role monitoring for drug dealing and will work in full co-operation with the Northamptonshire Constabulary.

Illusive Festival will work as an intelligence gathering agency in partnership with the Northamptonshire Constabulary. When there is a strong suspicion of drug dealing, security will inform and assist Northamptonshire Constabulary in every way possible.
Illusive Festival will evict persons strongly suspected of drug dealing and wherever possible will channel these evictions via the Police.


Illusive Festival Volunteer Marshals are instructed to direct and/or escort anyone who may be at risk under the influence of illegal substances or alcohol to Emergency First Aid and are fully informed about the welfare and drugs advisory facilities. They can direct individuals to:-

– First Aid personnel at the First Aid point
– The Chill Out tents and area where there are 24 hour welfare facilities

It is the intention of Illusive Festival to invite local charitable projects who deal with the cessation of drug use and the reduction of harm from their use to be present on site to promote the non use of illegal substances.

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